According to the leaked specs, the MSI Claw will be powered by one of the latest processors from Intel’s Meteor Lake line, specifically the Core Ultra 7 155H. This processor features 16 cores and 22 threads, which is not only impressive in its own right, but double the power of the AMD Ryzen Z1 Extreme processor present in both the ASUS ROG Ally and Lenovo Legion Go handheld PCs. The leaked specs also claim that the device will feature 32 GB of onboard memory, more than ASUS and Lenovo’s offerings.
— Алексей (@wxnod) January 5, 2024
Unfortunately, that is all of the information presently available on the MSI Claw. We’re still missing some vital stats, including the device’s onboard storage capacity, screen size, battery life, and perhaps most importantly, the price. MSI has not commented on the leaks or the Claw since its initial announcement, so the remaining data is likely being kept under lock and key until the formal debut at CES 2024. With the initial impression from the processor and memory, however, it’s safe to say that MSI is aiming high with this device.
The 2024 Consumer Electronics Show will be running next week from Tuesday, January 9, to Friday, January 12. MSI has not divulged when exactly it will be presenting new information on its upcoming products, presumably including the Claw.