Acer also has four more gaming monitors unveiling at CES 2024, all being launched as part of the Predator line. The flagship model is the 57-inch Predator Z57, which has a DUHD (7,680 x 2,160) max resolution at a refresh rate of 120 Hz. That MiniLED monitor is joined by a 34-inch counterpart, the Predator X34 V3, with a UWQHD (3,440 x 1,440) max resolution at 180 Hz. Their OLED counterparts, meanwhile, are the 39-inch Predator X39 and the 34-inch Predator X34 X, which both have a UWQHD max resolution running at a 240 Hz refresh rate while providing 0.01 ms pixel response time.
The flagship Predator Z57 has a 32:9 aspect ratio and 1000R curvature with 2,304 zones of MiniLEDs, allowing for local dimming to enhance contrast. It has two HDMI 2.1 inputs and a DisplayPort 1.4 input, with picture-in-picture support allowing you to view both input sources simultaneously. Meanwhile, the X34 V3 has a 21:9 aspect ratio. All of the new models include AMD FreeSync Premium to reduce screen tearing. They also feature a USB Type-C 90W power delivery port with a built-in KVM switch to move between two computers on the same monitor easily.
All of the new Predator monitors will be released in Q2 2024. The flagship Z57 will retail at $2,499.99, while the X39 will have a $1,499.99 MSRP, followed by the X34 X at $1,299.99 and the X34 V3 at $899.99.